Chicken Biryani


– 2 cups basmati rice
– 500g chicken, cut into pieces
– 2 onions, thinly sliced
– 2 tomatoes, chopped
– 1/2 cup plain yogurt
– 2 tablespoons biryani masala or a mix of ground spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric, garam masala, etc.
– 4-5 cloves garlic, minced
– 1-inch ginger, grated
– 2 green chilies, chopped (adjust to taste)
– Handful of fresh cilantro and mint leaves, chopped
– 1/4 cup cooking oil or ghee
– Salt to taste
– Saffron strands soaked in warm milk (for color and flavor)
– Optional: fried onions for garnish


1. Prepare Rice:
– Wash the basmati rice under cold water until the water runs clear. Soak it in water for about 30 minutes. Then, drain the rice.
– In a large pot, bring water to a boil and add salt. Cook the rice until it’s about 70-80% done. Drain and set aside.

2. Marinate Chicken:
– In a bowl, mix yogurt, biryani masala, minced garlic, grated ginger, chopped green chilies, chopped cilantro, chopped mint leaves, and salt. Add chicken pieces to this marinade. Make sure the chicken is well coated. Let it marinate for at least 30 minutes or longer in the refrigerator.

3. Fry Onions:
– Heat oil or ghee in a large pan. Fry thinly sliced onions until they are golden brown and crispy. Remove and set aside.

4. Cook Chicken:
– In the same pan, add a bit more oil if needed. Add marinated chicken pieces along with any marinade left in the bowl. Cook until the chicken is browned and partially cooked. Remove from heat and set aside.

5. Layering:
– In a heavy-bottomed pot, spread a layer of cooked rice at the bottom.
– Place a layer of cooked chicken on top of the rice.
– Sprinkle some fried onions and chopped cilantro and mint leaves.
– Repeat the layers until all rice and chicken are used up. The top layer should be rice.

6. Dum Cooking:
– Sprinkle saffron milk over the rice. Cover the pot tightly with a lid or aluminum foil to seal it.
– Cook on low heat (dum) for about 20-25 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together and the chicken to cook completely.

7. Serve:
– Once done, gently mix the layers and serve hot garnished with more fried onions, cilantro, and mint leaves.
– Chicken biryani pairs well with yogurt sauce and salad.

Enjoy your homemade chicken biryani

Adjust spices according to your taste preferences.


Then there is evidence that the current dish known as biryani was introduced to the Mughal court by, none other than, Queen Noor Jahan and the term ‘biryani’ is a Persian word for ‘rice’.

Biryani is one of the tasty and aromatic dishes that have been created and cooked for many hundreds of years. Its origins link back to the Mughal Empire’s royal kitchens and were originally associated with the Indian subcontinent. Here is a brief history of biryani, a food that has become part of Pakistani culture over the years.
The origin of biryani can be traced back to Persia where another dish that resembled this was popular known as pilaf or pilau. Pilaf meant the rice cooked with meat, spices and it can contain fruits or nuts. When the Mughals who originated from Persia and Central Asia entered India in the 16th Century, they also introduced their food preparation technique, which also included the preparation of the pilaf.
The pilaf was introduced to the Indian subcontinent by the Mughal invaders and they found ways of presenting it with localized ingredients. Thus, over a period of time it evolved into some what we now refer as biryani. The royal Mughal kitchen through the Indian subcontinent slowly evolved dishes like the biryani which is a combination of rice and meat, seasoned with fragrant spices and prepared with different variations for different regions.
There are multitudes of biryani made within the Indian subcontinent also, which has distinct features, due to differences in the ingredients, method of preparation, and cultural beliefs. Among the most recognized regional differences they are Hyderabadi biryani, Lucknowi biryani, the Kolkata biryani, and the Malabar biryani all differ from each other in terms of taste, and the way they are prepared.
It was a food that was associated with special occasions, events and parties, and also the royal kitchen in the Indian subcontinent. It was used in a household to represent wager or to offer it to the guests as a sign of hospitality and benevolence. It was not long before the dish, which was already a favorite in the royal palaces, spread across the region and was consumed in homes, eateries, and even street carts.
Today, biryani is very popular, even outside the Indian subcontinent, because of the Indian immigrants and travels to other parts of the world. Presently, biryani has become a popular dish and is prepared using various techniques in many global eateries.
Thus, biryani is not only the famous spicy dish but also has deep cultural roots. It represents the variety in the definition of foods offered in Indian subcontinent and the tradition of social and cultural interaction. It remains one of those dishes that are emotionally comforting and could still be seen as a treat or a part of a celebration meal and something people share when they are gathered together.

1. Nutrient-Rich Ingredients:

a. Chicken:Chicken food is loaded with lean protein, which plays a significant role in muscular tissues building and repair. It also contains essential nutrients such as B vitamins, phosphorus, selenium, and other vitamins and minerals that are essential in the body.

b. Basmati Rice: Basmati rice used in biryani is considered to be a low to medium GI food, which relieves energy release. It also has vitamins and minerals including; folate, niacin, and thiamine.

c. Spices: Biryani is prepared with spices such as turmeric, cumin, coriander, cardamom, which have antioxidant ability and has anti inflammation effect.

2. Balanced Meal:

Biryani, depending on the recipe, can include protein in the form of chicken, carbohydrates in the form of rice, and fats in the form of cooking oils or ghee to give it a nutritional profile that provides energy, satiety, and health in the forms of macronutrients.

3. Satiety and Weight Management:

The fact that the dish is made from lean white meat – chicken, rice with low glycemic index and high protein and fiber content and robust spices will help reduce your risk of overeating. If included in moderation and as one of the meals consumed daily, then it can assist in the regulation of body weight or help in the management of obesity.
4. Boosts Immunity:

Most of the spices used in preparation of biryani, are beneficial in boosting the body immune system due to their content of turmeric and garlic respectively. It has components that have been found to have an ability to boost up the immune system, and thus safeguard against diseases.

5. Enhances Digestion:

Some of the ingredients used in biryani like ginger and cumin are known to have been used to ensure that the stomach is well relieved when having a meal. It can reduce signs of gastrointestinal pain and support gut health.

6. Mental Well-being:

Drawing a positive emotion from food is an excellent way to ensure that an individual is mentally healthy, especially when they indulge in a filling meal like chicken biryani. Moreover, food is not just nourishment for physical bodies but also for spirit; the presence of positive associations combined with the smell and taste of the biryani, makes it possible.

7. Cultural and Social Connection:

As such, dining together, for instance, with chicken biryani, can be therapeutic as it feels like the community is being formed. The issues of food being present in cultural or social contexts are therefore relevant since they unite people and make the bonds stronger.


Although there serves some health benefits of this chicken biryani it is always preferable to have it in a moderate amount as it is good for health when taken occasionally in correct proportions. However, as the requirements of people differ from person to person depending on their age, sex, activity levels, and other factors, it is always useful to contact a dietitian or at least a physician to get a more accurate and personalized view on the issue. Indulging in a biryani from time to time, while maintaining a more regulated diet, can be downright pleasurable.

Calories:The chicken biryani calories per 500g are 360 calories. Of these, 56 grams come from carbohydrates, 16 grams are from protein, 8 grams are from fat, and the remaining 15 grams are from other nutrients. One chicken biryani, i.e., 1 kg of biryani contains around 720 calories.