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I can’t fully remember for how long I’m using various foods, including chicken. And in my whole journey of smoking meat, I found that each meat type like chicken, seafood, beef, and mutton are different, so their smoking is unique. Also, you need to have the best wood for chicken smoking if you are looking to eat smoked chicken at home.
After trying various woods and smoking techniques, I can say that the wood for smoking should be picked exclusively as it is the smoke of a wood that adds flavor to chicken after its smoking. That’s why it is better to have flavored wood for sweet taste and delightful aroma.
To me, it was fun every time smoking chicken as it isn’t hard to smoke it, unlike beef which takes excessive time to get soft. Moreover, never buy softwood for smoking because softwood carries unwanted moisture, which is not suitable for smoking chicken. Besides, the hard and dry wood is perfect for smoking; it lessens the dripping of liquid from chicken in no time.
For many people without any prior knowledge, buying the best wood for smoking chicken is like rocket science, and they find it hard to pick the best one for their smoking debut. So, for those people and experts, we have selected the ten best kinds of wood to smoke chicken anywhere. Let’s have a look at these ten products.
The list of ten best wood to smoke chicken is given below:
1. Thousand Oaks Barrel Co. Cherry Wood Smoking Chips
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B08W3HRRTH” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”CHERRY TEMPEST is a cocktail overture of aged cherry wood and passion fruit. ~~~GOURMET CONFECTION OF WOODS ~~~FOGHAT FUELS CAN BE USED WITH ANY PORTABLE SMOKING GUN~~~FOGHAT FUELS ARE MADE BY THE THOUSAND OAKS BARREL CO~~~SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF FOGHAT CULINARY COCKTAIL FUELS IN OUR AMAZON STORE. ” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”alignnone” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]Cherry Tempest – Foghat Culinary Smoking Fuel [/amalinkspro]
If you want to know what’s the best wood for smoking chicken with sweet flavor wood that provides enhanced taste without soaking in the water, then Thousand Oaks Barrel Co. Cherry Wood Smoking Chips is for you. Mainly, this is one of the best wood chips for smoking chicken which are tested carefully during the process of manufacturing to maintain safety, ignition rate, quality, and taste. Moreover, this best wood for a whole smoking chicken also uses mild flavor to reduce its mildness. Besides, this compatible wood pairs well with cheese, vegetables, meats, and desserts. Further, let’s dig into this product review to learn more about it.
[amalinkspro type=”image-link” asin=”B08W3HRRTH” new-window=”true” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” alt=”Cherry Tempest – Foghat Culinary Smoking Fuel | Infuse Wine, Whiskey, Cheese, Meats, BBQ, Salt | Luxury Wood Smoking Chips for Portable Smoker, Smoking Gun, Glass Cloche or Foghat Cocktail Smoker” alignment=”alignnone”][/amalinkspro]
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The fantastic features of this best wood for smoking chicken are as follows:
Incredible wood:
Chiefly, this best wood for smoking chicken features incredible high-quality wood. Moreover, these crafted wood chips originate from timber and herbs. These wood chips create an exotic and delightful taste in the food due to 100% pure, non-toxic wood. Further, this wood is kiln-dried for about 18-24 hours then finely rolled to provide a naturally sweet flavor. Additionally, this wood undergoes light toasting and optimizes and extracts wood flavor.
Produces smoke:
Most importantly, this best wood for smoking chicken produces intense smoke. But some people say it has heavy smoke, which creates harmful effects on food. It is wrong because this wood included no chemicals and additives so that no preservatives can enter the food. Besides, this wood provides a fruity smell of cherry which creates sweetness and bitterness in the food. Moreover, for making cocktails and desserts, professional chefs use this flavor with other combinations.
[amalinkspro type=”image-link” asin=”B08W3HRRTH” new-window=”true” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” alt=”Cherry Tempest – Foghat Culinary Smoking Fuel | Infuse Wine, Whiskey, Cheese, Meats, BBQ, Salt | Luxury Wood Smoking Chips for Portable Smoker, Smoking Gun, Glass Cloche or Foghat Cocktail Smoker” alignment=”alignnone”][/amalinkspro]
Additional features:
Notably, this best cherry wood for smoking chicken includes enhanced taste, maximum compatibility, and best paring. Moreover, this ideal is tested again and again to check its taste, combustion, and safety. Hence, this highly durable wood can also be used after use and stored for the long term. Further, this pest-resistant and mold-free wood enhanced pairing and unique combinations.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Ideal pairing with every food
Compatible with every smoker and grill
Best wood for smoking chicken wings
Pest-resistant pure organic wood
Use commonly for commercial purposes
Offer quick and reliable ignition
[/i2pros][i2cons]Produces less smoke[/i2cons][/i2pc]
2. Bear Mountain BBQ Wood Hickory Pellets for Smoking
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B07MB16XWC” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”Bear Mountain BBQ Hickory | Robust smoky flavor | Perfect go-to mixture for any meat, fish, poultry or vegetable~~~Made from 100% All-Natural premium hardwood – no binders, fillers or additives~~~Infuse all-natural, robust flavor and tenderness into your next meal~~~Use with all outdoor pellet, gas, charcoal or electric grills and smokers~~~20 lb bag, Made in the United States” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”alignnone” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]Bear Mountain BBQ 100% [/amalinkspro]
Bear Mountain BBQ Wood Hickory Pellets for Smoking is best to use as it features maximum versatility. Most importantly, this versatile wood profits enhanced flavor due to the large production of intense smoke and natural wood. Besides, this robust smoke makes it the best wood for smoking chicken wings. Moreover, it aromatizes rapidly in the chicken and softens its tough fiber immediately. Further, this wood is effortless in use because there is no need to soak it in water. After all, it offers heavy smoke and quick ignition without being moistened. Additionally, details of this product are here below, so let’s have a site.
[amalinkspro type=”image-link” asin=”B07MB16XWC” new-window=”true” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” alt=”Bear Mountain BBQ 100% All-Natural Hardwood Pellets – Hickory (20 lb. Bag) Perfect for Pellet Smokers, or Any Outdoor Grill | Rich, Smoky Wood-Fired Flavor” alignment=”alignnone”][/amalinkspro]
[amalinkspro type=”cta-btn-css” ctabtn-id=”” asin=”” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” new-window=”true” nofollow=”true” alignment=”alignnone”]Buy on Amazon[/amalinkspro]
The brilliant features of this best wood to smoke chicken are given below:
Natural wood:
Expressly, this best wood for smoking chicken provides natural wood chips. These wood pellets are obtained from high-quality premium wood, which is then manufactured in miles and sold. Besides, these wood pellets are 100% pure and clean means they include no binders, fillers, chemicals, and additives. Moreover, they offer maximum durability once burn remains effective for a long time. Further, these wood pellets are damp-free; that’s why best to store them because they have reduced rotting risk.
Produces robust smoke:
Mainly, this best wood for smoking jerk chicken produces robust smoke to cook jerk immediately. Besides, not only jerk, this best wood can cook a whole chicken with enhanced taste because of the production of heavy smoke. Moreover, this heavy smoke makes it perfect for fish, meat, and vegetables. Further, it produced long-lasting smoke even on cold grates and rapidly suffused in the touch meat part and softened it. Additionally, this smoke does not include any dirt particles because this wood is pure and organic and also cooked pure food without any additives.
Compatibility matters a lot because the best woods always show full compatibility with every grill and smoker. Therefore, this best wood for smoking chicken is preferable for outdoors camping because it shows improved compatibility with electric grills, charcoal grills, gas grills, and even smokers. Moreover, its compatible nature makes it ideal for outdoor grilling because it works with any grills and doesn’t get damp under the open sky. Further, this best wood is also suitable for indoor activities because it shows the best performance on a stovetop or campfire.
[amalinkspro type=”image-link” asin=”B07MB16XWC” new-window=”true” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” alt=”Bear Mountain BBQ 100% All-Natural Hardwood Pellets – Hickory (20 lb. Bag) Perfect for Pellet Smokers, or Any Outdoor Grill | Rich, Smoky Wood-Fired Flavor” alignment=”alignnone”][/amalinkspro]
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Best wood pellets for smoking chicken
Produced robust smoke
Offers enhanced taste
Best to use for both outdoor and indoor activities
With enhancing performance and maximum compatibility
It offers the best pairing with fish, vegetables, and chicken
[/i2pros][i2cons]It can burn food on high ash[/i2cons][/i2pc]
3. Oklahoma Joe’s Apple Wood Smoking Chips
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B019SNQYJU” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”Oklahoma Joes apple wood chips are the best way to add fruity flavor to meats like pork or poultry~~~For use with smokers and electric, gas or charcoal grills~~~Ideal for smoking pork and poultry~~~Made of all natural wood chips~~~Measures 179 cubic inches” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”alignnone” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]Oklahoma Joe’s Apple Wood Smoker Chips, 2-Pound Bag[/amalinkspro]
Do you want to know what the best wood for smoking chicken is? Do you need sweet fruitwood to cook delicious chicken at home or outdoors with a friend? In this condition, Oklahoma Joe’s Apple Wood Smoking Chips sees best for you. Notably, this fruitwood creates a fruity odor in the chicken makes it ideal for Presidents’ dinners or other events. Besides, it shows maximum compatibility even with an electric grill without dehydrating chicken. Moreover, these wood chunks coms in 179 cubic inches but still ignite quickly and produce heavy smoke. Additionally, this best apple wood for smoking chicken also includes premium features that are present here below.
[amalinkspro type=”image-link” asin=”B019SNQYJU” new-window=”true” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” alt=”Oklahoma Joe’s Apple Wood Smoker Chips, 2-Pound Bag” alignment=”alignnone”][/amalinkspro]
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The following are the eye-catching features of this best wood for smoking chicken:
Offers fruity flavor:
Apple offers sweet flavor-rich fruitwood because it is a sweet fruit that adds delightful taste to the food taste and increases its ranking. Besides, due to its attractive taste, it is widely used in hotels, by professional chefs, and in five-star restaurants. Moreover, it offers a fruity but solid flavor, which aromatizes in the food and quickly changes its taste. Further, thud best fruitwood provides enhanced flavor with poultry, pork, and vegetables. Additionally, if you have a mild flavor, use this flavor with it in perfect balance to reduce your food’s bitterness.
Natural wood chips:
Amazingly, applewood is a hardwood that came from the forest or a high-end timber. This wood manufacturer in the industries but these miles don’t add any sugar content or chemical in it. Besides, due to the absence of additives and pesticides, this wood is best to use and best to store. Moreover, this less mild wood doesn’t soak in water before use because it contains 8% natural moisture, which offers quick-burning and heavy smoke. Furthermore, this natural wood is purely organic, which’s why used for commercial purposes.
Compatible with every grill:
Mainly, this best flavor wood chips for smoking chicken offers to enhance compatibility with every grill. So, if you are a charcoal grilling lover, this flavor wood is best for you. Hence, go outside with your friends and family and enjoy delicious smoky chicken with a unique and robust flavor. Moreover, this flavor wood offers compatibility with electric grill, gas grill, charcoal grill, and smoker. Further, as this wood burns on every flame, it is suitable for indoor activities. So, you can enjoy delightful grilling chicken at home with improved taste and quality.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]
It provides 179 cubic inches of wood chip
Best for all smoking food
Uses wild combinations to enhance their taste
Compatible with every grill and smoker
Burns quickly on low ash
Can reuse again
[/i2pros][i2cons]It takes much time in whole cooking chicken[/i2cons][/i2pc]
4. Camerons Products Maple Wood Chunks for Smoking
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B001VKYACW” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”Smoking Wood Chunks – Works with gas grills, charcoal grills, and smoker boxes.~~~Barbecue Smoking Chunks – Made of 100% natural raw timber that is precision cut and kiln dried.~~~420 cu. in. (0.006m³) Maple Smoker Wood – Ignited quickly and com-busts completely to create a delicate smoky flavor.~~~Maple Coarse Cut Wood Chunks pairs well with poultry, seafood, pork, vegetables and cheeses!~~~Made in the USA. (may receive in a box or bag)” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”alignnone” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]Camerons Products Smoking Wood Chunks[/amalinkspro]
Cameron’s products are one of the best and trusted manufacturing brands, which provides unique and excellent flavors of wood. Mostly, this is the best wood for smoking chicken which provides maple flavor. Besides, it produces mild and robust smoke than cherry and apple, which creates a bitter taste on overcooking. But it is preferable for chicken because it is cooked very effortlessly in a short time, even on a smoker, without changing its taste. Moreover, as it is mild hence gives robust smoke and a delightful flavor when moistened, so before use, soak it in water for 20 minutes. Additionally, view its features in detail that we demonstrate below.
[amalinkspro type=”image-link” asin=”B001VKYACW” new-window=”true” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” alt=”Camerons Products Smoking Wood Chunks (Maple) ~ 5 pounds, 420 cu. in. – Kiln Dried BBQ Large Cut Chips- All Natural Barbecue Smoker Chunks for Smoking Meat” alignment=”alignnone”][/amalinkspro]
[amalinkspro type=”cta-btn-css” ctabtn-id=”” asin=”” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” new-window=”true” nofollow=”true” alignment=”alignnone”]Buy on Amazon[/amalinkspro]
The following are the primary features of this best wood to smoke chicken:
Natural wood:
Most importantly, this best for smoking chicken features natural wood, which comprises raw timber and obtains from kiln-dried hardwood. Besides, this dried wood offers rapid ignition and heavy smoke that enhances the flavor and taste of food. Moreover, these wood chunks come in 420 cubic inches but still combust quickly with a complete burn. Further, this natural wood is best to use and never creates an unpleasant taste in the food because it includes no pesticides, chemicals, and extra oil content.
Robust smoke:
Chiefly, this best wood for smoking chicken produces robust and dirt-free smoke. Besides, this wood offers sweet smoke instantly that infuses gently in the food, changing its taste by adding a natural touch. Moreover, these woods produce natural smoke, which contains less amount of carbon monoxide. Hence, save for lungs and eyes because low CO is not able to create harmful effects. Further, this delicate smoke quickly reduces dripping and cooks food on minimal oil content.
Compatibility and pairing:
Significantly, this is the best wood for smoking chicken thighs because it has excellent compatibility with an electric grill, charcoal grill, gas grill, and smoker. Besides, these wood chunks are also reliable with a stovetop and campfire. Moreover, it offers a unique pairing with seafood, vegetables, poultry, and cheese. Further, its unusual pairing and excellent compatibility make it ideal for both outdoor and indoor activities. Additionally, these compatible wood chips can make whole chicken with enhanced flavor.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]
Provides natural and dried wood
Combust quickly and burns completely
Heavy-duty, durable performance
Unique and delightful flavor
Large size chunks offer 420 cubic inches chunk
Offers different pairing with unique flavor
[/i2pros][i2cons]Creates bitterness in the food due to its mild nature[/i2cons][/i2pc]
5. Smoak Firewood Red Oak Wood Smoking Chunks
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B01J6MV1F0″ apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”Cooking Wood Chunks (fist size) – Kiln Dried~~~Competition Grade Quality Made in the USA~~~USDA Certified pest free,100% organic NO chemicals~~~Provides a long lasting burn which infuses flavor.~~~Smoak with the BEST wood! Experience the difference!” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”alignnone” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]Smoak Firewood Cooking Wood Chunks – USDA Certified Kiln Dried (Red Oak, 8-10 lbs)[/amalinkspro]
Smoak Firewood Red Oak wood smoking chunks come in large size and are kiln-dried. Besides, they offer the best performance when soaked in water because if you place it in the grill or a smoker without moistening, it will not burn quickly. Moreover, this wood is obtained from a forest, and it belongs to the hardwood family; that’s why it offers 100% organic wood. Further, this wood doesn’t include extra fat contents or other fatty ingredients, so best for heart patients and diet-conscious persons. Additionally, you can store this wood for an extended period because it contains no additives and pesticides.
[amalinkspro type=”image-link” asin=”B01J6MV1F0″ new-window=”true” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” alt=”Smoak Firewood Cooking Wood Chunks – USDA Certified Kiln Dried (Red Oak, 8-10 lbs)” alignment=”alignnone”][/amalinkspro]
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The essential features of this best wood for smoking chicken are the following:
Large size chunks:
Notably, this best wood for smoking chicken features large size chunks offered quick combustion and produces significant smoke because they contain up to 13% moisture content which makes its texture soft. Besides, due to moisture content, it has heavy smoke quickly and burns entirely to the last. Moreover, large size chunks can be used again and stored for the long term. Further, a large piece has reduced the risk of rotting because they are not crowded inside the package.
High-quality organic wood:
Mainly, this best wood for smoking chicken features high-quality organic wood. These organic woods are commonly used for commercial purposes and can be recycled, and these renewable woods offer natural timber. Moreover, organic woods offer incredible fire performance and natural ignition to burn instantly. Further, organic woods have no additives and chemicals, hence ideal for use.
Unique flavor:
Amazingly, this best red oak wood for smoking chicken features a unique and robust flavor. Besides, red oak is rarely present in some restaurants and hotels because professional chefs use it with different combinations to create intense smoke and rich flavor. Moreover, red oak contains a higher composition of water content than other flavors; its moisture infused in the food makes a strong flavor.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]
Offers various pairing with different combinations
High-quality organic wood
Good wood for smoking chicken
Provide long-lasting burn
Pest-free wood
Works best at 160°F
[/i2pros][i2cons]Mild and moisture wood[/i2cons][/i2pc]
6. DiamondKingSmoker White Oak Smoking Wood Chunks
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B07M865F6Q” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”Premier Smoking Wood. Fresh, Clean, Flavorful, Custom Cut~~~7lbs is perfect for 3 hours of continuous smoke ~~~Post Oak smoke is amazing with beef and perfect to showcase your Texas Pride~~~DKS Smoking Wood is stored indoors after harvesting to preserve the moisture~~~Due to natural variations in wood density, chunk sizes will have slight variations.” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”alignnone” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]DiamondKingSmoker Smoking Wood Chunks[/amalinkspro]
DiamondKingSmoker White Oak Smoking Wood Chunks custom very fresh and delightful chunks or logs. Mostly, these are safe to store due to their ideal size and reliable smoking experience. Hence, the after store gives a delightful taste and smoke and makes it best for outdoor and indoor events. Moreover, these kiln-dried chunks need soaking before use because, without soaking, they will perform well. Further, white oak is medium mild, so you don’t need combinations for quick cooking, but to cook for the maximum time, it needs sweet varieties. Additionally, it offers some eye-catching features to learn about them. Have a site here below.
[amalinkspro type=”image-link” asin=”B07M865F6Q” new-window=”true” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” alt=”DiamondKingSmoker Smoking Wood Chunks 100% All Natural Barbecue Smoker Chunks for Grilling and BBQ | Large Cut Smoker Chips | Season Air-Dried for Premium Flavor Profile (Post Oak, 7 lbs)” alignment=”alignnone”][/amalinkspro]
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The jaw-dropping features of this best wood to smoke chicken are the following:
Enhanced smoke:
White oak is the best wood for smoking chicken which provides enhanced flavor because it is less mild, best pairing, and produces much smoke. Mainly, white oak aromatizes more rapidly in the food than other ok flavors. Besides, white oak is moisture-free, so it needs pre-soaking before use. Moreover, when these wet chunks are placed on a warm grate, it quickly produces enhanced flavor and makes it the best wood for smoking chicken. Further, white oak has a strong taste that diffuses rapidly in the core of meat and softens its texture.
Pure and original wood:
Notably, this best wood for smoking chicken features pure raw wood, which also produces maximum rawness in the wood chunks to make them durable. Besides, this natural wood is manufactured in top-rated miles, which include no extra fats and make this best for cardiovascular patients. Moreover, this wood has no pesticides and harmful ingredients, so during cooking, it will not create a pungent smell.
Additional features:
Most importantly, this best for smoking chicken offers a range of features. It provides a firm but sweet smell for a long time to make your food’s flavor enhanced. Moreover, it can produce this sweet smell for 2-3 hours continuously. Besides, this wood is kiln-dried fences needed pre-soaking to get some moisture and to ignite quickly. Further, it pairs well with poultry and beef and offers maximum compatibility with every grill and smoker.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]
Medium mild but best to cook smoky food
Produces heavy smoke
Dn’t make your food for up to 3 hours
Best to stored
Offers variations in wood density
Best wood for smoking chicken breast
[/i2pros][i2cons]Due to dried its nature, it combusts slowly[/i2cons][/i2pc]
7. Western Pecan BBQ Smoking Chips
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B07946B3HZ” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”Kiln Dried Wood for Use With Gas Or Charcoal Grills~~~Remember The Flavor Is In The Smoke when B-B-Q~~~BBQ Smoking Chips Pecan Wood~~~2 Pack” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”alignnone” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]Western Pecan BBQ Smoking Chips (180 Cu. in. (2 Pack)[/amalinkspro]
Do you need smoky wood which offers compatibility with charcoal grills? If yes, here we select Western Pecan BBQ Smoking Chips for you because these wood chips work well with a charcoal grill. Moreover, this product increases its ranking day by day because of its unique flavors. Besides, pecan shows complement with birds, so preferable to cook a whole chicken with enhanced taste. Further, these wood chips also need pre-soaking because of kiln-drying. Additionally, professional chefs use different combinations as it offers a high composition of mildness. Yet, this product provides intense smoke and the best performance at an affordable price.
[amalinkspro type=”image-link” asin=”B07946B3HZ” new-window=”true” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” alt=”Western Pecan BBQ Smoking Chips (180 Cu. in. (2 Pack)” alignment=”alignnone”][/amalinkspro]
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The outstanding features of this best wood for smoking chicken are given below:
Kiln-dried wood:
Notably, this pecan wood for smoking chicken features hard and dried wood. But hardwoods don’t ignite quickly, so soak these wood chunks in water for at least 20 minutes before use. Moreover, hardwood’s best that they will not get rotted because mold attacks on soft and damp woods, not hardwoods. Further, without the fear of pests, you can store them for the long term. Additionally, dried woods are lighter, and it also fastens the drying process.
Compatible with charcoal grill:
Significantly, this best wood for smoking chicken features maximum compatibility with charcoal. Besides, pecan wood comes from hickory families, so like hickory wood, it is best for BBQ and grilling. Moreover, pecan burns slowly on low ash, which is possible with a charcoal grill; that’s why it is compatible with a charcoal grill. Further, pecan wood creates a less sweet smell and is used for moderation. Additionally, this is the preferred wood for smoking chicken because it shows a reliable complement with chicken.
Produces intense flavor and smoke:
Mainly, this best wood for smoking chicken provides intense smoke, which infuses gently in the meat to soften its tough fiber immediately. Besides, this smoke contains CO but no additives and other chemicals because of its natural wood. Moreover, this smoke offers pecan flavor with low oil content hence reduces obesity. Further, pecan is medium mild, which provides the best results when combined with apple and cherry. Additionally, it gives enhanced smoke and flavor on low ash.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]
Pre-soaking needed
Best wood for smoking chicken and pork
Offers maximum compatibility
Pairs well with the whole chicken
Works well when pre-soaked in water
Offers ideal chunk size
[/i2pros][i2cons]Mild flavor[/i2cons][/i2pc]
8. Smokehouse Alder Wood Smoking Chips
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B000RUFMLA” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”Alder Flavor~~~Wood Chips~~~15H x 13W x 16D~~~Sport Type: Camping & Hiking” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”alignnone” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]Smokehouse Products All Natural Flavored Wood Smoking Chips- Alder[/amalinkspro]
Enjoy tasty and delightful grilling with unique and natural flavors, which creates a raw taste in your food. But there are various wood flavors available in the market so, what’s the best wood for smoking chicken? Notably, Smokehouse Alder Wood Smoking Chips is the one you want because it is one of the best and appealing flavors that everybody wants. Moreover, alder is the best wood for smoking chicken and pork and can create a flavorful taste in them without using any combinations. Besides, this wood shows compatibility with every grill; hence, best for camping and hiking. Additionally, this wood has some stunning features that we mentioned here below. Let’s have a look.
[amalinkspro type=”image-link” asin=”B000RUFMLA” new-window=”true” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” alt=”Smokehouse Products All Natural Flavored Wood Smoking Chips- Alder” alignment=”alignnone”][/amalinkspro]
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The following are the terrific features of this best wood to smoke chicken:
Create intense smoke:
Chiefly, this is the best wood for smoking chicken which creates intense smoke on medium ash. These wood chips burn rapidly due to small size, but this wood can not last long because of its small size; it combusts wholly and quickly. Moreover, this alder wood for smoking chicken produces subtly smoke-free from every dust particle and additives. Further, as it makes more smoke, it also creates more CO, which can harm our lungs and bronchitis.
Unique flavor:
Most importantly, this best wood smoking chicken features a sweet, subtle flavor, which creates a delicate taste in the food. So, to be a professional chef, move towards this flavor and enhance the taste and quality of your cooked food. Besides, this good wood for smoking chicken wings provides a strong flavor that softens chicken wings instantly without burning them. Moreover, this flavor pairs well with fish, poultry, and pork but provides the best combination with cherry flavor because both these combined creates a higher level of sweetness.
Natural wood:
Expressly, this best wood for smoking chicken features 100% pure and natural wood, which combust quickly with a high ignition rate. Moreover, alder wood is durable when wet, but due to its damp nature, humans take it as a bad and worthless product. Because all plant diseases attack moist woods as they are soft and quickly eaten by them, it is wrong because it offers high-end quality despite the high moisture composition. Additionally, these are the best wood chunks for smoking chicken used in construction.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]
Alder needs no combinations
Pairs well with every food
Obtained from natural timber
Best wood for smoking chicken breast
Includes no pesticides and additives
It can be stored for a long time because it is not so dried no so damp
[/i2pros][i2cons]Can’t reused[/i2cons][/i2pc]
9. Cameron’s Mesquite Smoking Chips
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B000ZLW8PY” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”260 cu. in. (0.004m³), Mesquite Chips Pair Perfectly with Meat, Especially Beef~~~Item Weight: 2.35 pounds~~~Dimensions: 9*2*14 inches ( L*W*H )~~~Material: Wood~~~Material: Wood” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”alignnone” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]Smoking Chips – (Mesquite) – 2 Pound Bag[/amalinkspro]
Now make yourself the best and professional chef by enhancing your food taste with Cameron’s Mesquite Smoking Chips. Chiefly, Cameron products are created by chefs, and they want to make their food more delicious than ever with unique but affordable methods. Then they started collecting great woods from the forest, then manufactured them and sold them at a reasonable price. Moreover, among all flavors, mesquite wood for smoking chicken provides enhanced flavor and robust smoke when pairing with chicken, but as you know that it is mild, so it gives it reliable performance with oreliablembinations. Further, this is the best wood for smoking chicken legs which also shows more complement with chicken.
[amalinkspro type=”image-link” asin=”B000ZLW8PY” new-window=”true” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” alt=”Smoking Chips – (Mesquite) – 2 Pound Bag, 260 cu. in. – Barbecue Chips – Kiln Dried, Natural Coarse Wood Smoker Chunks” alignment=”alignnone”][/amalinkspro]
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The incredible characteristics of this best wood for smoking chicken are as follows:
Natural wood:
Notably, this best wood for smoking chicken features hard and dried wood. But mesquite woods combust quickly but need pre-soaking for at least 20 minutes before use. Moreover, mesquite is best because it will not get rusted and rotted because mold attacks on soft and damp woods, not hardwoods. Further, without the fear of being spoiled, you can use it for the long term. Additionally, mesquite is much more stable than other dried wood because it offers a stiff nature.
Robust smoke:
Chiefly, this best wood for smoking chicken produces robust and dirt-free smoke. Besides, this wood offers mild smoke that infuses gently in the food and creates a natural taste. Moreover, these woods have natural smoke, which contains less amount of carbon monoxide. Hence, it can damage our lungs and eyes because of mildness; it produces CO that creates harmful effects. Further, this robust smoke rapidly lessens the dripping and cooks food with low amounts of fat content.
Chips size:
Most importantly, this best wood for smoking chicken features small size small-sized chips and complete burning. Its dried nature produces heavy smoke, which summarizes in the foods and softens its tough fiber instantly. Moreover, you can’t use them again, but you can store them for the long term. Further, its small size and high-quality wood reduce the risk of rotting. Additionally, these best wood chips for smoking chicken wings offer maximum stability.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]
Pure and organic wood
Offers strong smoke which instantly cook food
Best wood for smoking chicken quarters
Give best performance with different combinations
It offers 260 cubic inches size chip
[/i2pros][i2cons]Mild flavor[/i2cons][/i2pc]
10. Camerons Products Oak Smoking Chips
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B000RU5DRI” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”Smoking Wood Chips – Easy to handle in a resealable 5-quart container.~~~Barbecue Smoking Chips – Works with gas grills, charcoal grills, smoker boxes and indoor smokers.~~~Smoker Shavings – Wood chip is raw timber, kiln dried, 100% natural, and made in the USA.~~~Bourbon Soaked Oak Smoker Chips – Ignite quickly and com-bust 100%~~~Bourbon Soaked Oak Wood Smoking Chips pairs well with poultry, beef, lamb, and game. (4.73176 L) ” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”alignnone” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]Camerons Smoking Chips[/amalinkspro]
Do you love oak flavor and want to buy the best oak smoking wood which comes from a trusted brand? If yes, then Camerons Products Oak Smoking Chips are for you. Chiefly, the best type of wood for smoking chicken includes quick combustion and complete burning. This wood also inches dried kiln wood, which offers very low moisture content, hence needed pre-soaking before use. Moreover, it will not burn or create heavy smoke until it is soaked in water for at least half an hour. Further, it offers maximum compatibility, which makes it best for outdoor camping and hiking.
[amalinkspro type=”image-link” asin=”B000RU5DRI” new-window=”true” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” alt=”Camerons Smoking Chips – (Bourbon Soaked Oak) Kiln Dried, 5 Quart 100% Natural Extra Fine Wood Smoker Sawdust Shavings – 5 Quart Barbecue Chips (4.73176 L) ” alignment=”alignnone”][/amalinkspro]
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Below given are the striking features of this best wood to smoke chicken:
Provides best smoking food:
Camerons products are a leader in the manufacturing of wood for smoking because they produce intense smoke, which provides a delightful taste without burning. Moreover, enjoy your favourite cuts with it as it allows for pairing with poultry, pork, beef, cheese, seafood, game meat, and vegetables. Besides, for ultimate flavor, use different combinations and place them in the grill in equal balance. Further, this product provides all premium and natural shavings to make your food the best to use.
Maximum compatibility:
Mainly, this best wood for smoking chicken features maximum compatibility with every grills and smoker. Besides, its increased compatibility makes it ideal for both indoor and outdoor occasions. Moreover, these chips never get damp or damaged under the open sky due to extremely hardwood. Further, this compatible wood works best on every grill when pre-soaked. Otherwise, it will not produce smoke.
Natural wood:
Chiefly, this best wood for smoking chicken provides 100% pure and natural wood, which offers kiln-drying. Moreover, due to dryness, oak combust gently when soaked in water, and after soaking, it gives its best performance, ignites quickly, and immediately softens the chicken. Further, oak is commonly used for making furniture and other commercial purposes because it is one of the best natural wood, which offers maximum stability and durability.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]
Produces heavy smoke
Provide enhance flavor with different combinations
Kiln-dried, raw timber
Create smoke when pre-soaked
Pairs well with pork, poultry, beef, and vegetables
Compatible with every grill
[/i2pros][i2cons]Can’t combust quickly without soaking[/i2cons][/i2pc]
Q.1 What is the best wood for smoking chicken?
Ans: To smoke chicken with delightful taste, we need hardwood which should be 100% pure natural and includes no additives like woods given in the list mentioned above. And luckily, all the above products offer hardwoods that have maximum durability because all these woods contain no pesticide because they are mold-resistant and moisture-free. Further, all these woods collected from forests are then manufactured in industries but include no oil content. That’s why these are the best woods for smoking chicken.
Q.2 What type of wood for smoking chicken wings is good?
Ans: There are three different kinds of woods available nowadays in the market wood chips, wood chunks, and wood pellets. Mainly, wood chips originated from small bits of huge wood logs that manufactured the miles and sold. Moreover, wood pellets and wood chunks are larger than wood chips, but all these woods are best for smoking chicken because they can produce intense smoke and delicious flavor.
Q.3 Is pecan wood for smoking chicken?
Ans: Yes, pecan wood is suitable for smoking chicken as it has a fruity, rich smell, which makes meat, pork, poultry flavorful. Moreover, pecan wood comes in both chips and chunks, but chips are more preferable for smoky chicken due to the increased combustion rate. Further, pecan wood is one of them, which shows complement with birds. Besides, this wood never creates a pungent smell if overused.
Q.4 Is hickory good wood for smoking chicken and beef ribs
Ans: Hickory is the best wood for smoking because it shows decent paring with birds, especially chickens. Notably, it is one of the popular flavors as it has a sweet smell with a bit of mildness and uses mild flavors to reduce bitterness. Moreover, this universal wood is famous for BBQ and every smoking meat because it offers fantastic results with every combination and pairing. Further, hickory wood works well with chicken in chunks form as well as chips form.
Q.5 Is mesquite wood for smoking chicken?
Ans: Yes, mesquite is the best wood for smoking chicken because it shows a better pairing with chicken. Moreover, mesquite shows compatibility with grilling steaks, chicken, and vegetables, and due to its heavy smoke and flavors, it works best with mild poultry, pork, and fish. But make sure never to use mesquite flavor in more significant amounts because it creates an unpleasant odor and bitterness.
Buying Guide
How to choose the best wood for smoking chicken?
Before purchasing any product, it is necessary to learn about its technicalities because we can save a lot of cash and time this way. However, the same is the case with woods; that is why before buying this wood, check their essential features in detail. Let’s have a site here below; what essential qualities should be in the best wood for smoking salmon?
Quality of wood:
Most importantly, for smoking food, we need the best, pure, and high-quality wood which offers maximum ignition speed and enhanced flavor. Also, for smoking foods, hardwoods are preferable because they combust rapidly and can remain effective for the long term. Moreover, all the woods mentioned above are rugged and come from organic and pure natural timber. So, you can blindly trust the quality of all these products. Further, there is a difference of flavor among; all woods include different aromas. This way, some are mild, and some are not. But the woods that offer little mildness are preferable for smoking chicken. Additionally, softwoods also work well if used with sweet flavors.
Mild or not:
As here above, we told you that hardwood is suitable for smoking foods; also, only hardwoods are capable of producing more intense smoke. Besides, mild wood creates intense, long-lasting smoke quickly, but after some time, they make the food bitter. Moreover, the woods that offer little to no mildness are best for smoking chicken because they provide a rich taste with enhanced quality. Further, mild woods are widely used in restaurants, but their food doesn’t have a pungent smell. In hotels, professional chefs use mild woods with sweet flavors in the proper equilibrium and create a unique, flavorful taste.
Wood size:
Wood size is the crucial feature of the wood, so it is necessary to survey what is the best size of wood. There are four different sizes of wood logs, pellets, chips, and chunks. But for smoking food, we use pellets, chips, and chunks because of their large size; the wood logs are not placable in a grill or a smoker. Besides, the remaining three kinds of wood are ideal for smoking foods because all offer robust flavor and intense smoke, which is wow. Moreover, wood chunks provide the best performance when soaked in water, while pellets and chips don’t work with damp-nature. So, for convenient use, read the instructions carefully before use.
Maximum compatibility:
Amazingly, those wood flavors best show maximum compatibility, but few such ideal flavors are present apple and hickory. Both these flavors work on every gas grill, electric grill, and smoker. Although other flavors are also best, they work in some conditions, such as some need low ash, and some need high, while some need cold grills, and some need warm grates. But apple and hickory works with very combinations, pairing and also offers maximum compatibility.
Which shape and form of wood are best for chicken smoking?
There are three sizes and forms of wood which are available in the market for you people these are pellets, chips, and chunks. We have detailed information about these forms and sizes given below.
Chiefly, pellets are commonly used as heating fuel which’s why it is obtained from sawdust and milling of timber. Then this timber is manufactured in industries and used for making furniture and for other commercial purposes. Moreover, the wood pellets are collected from clean and smooth wood; that’s why they offer maximum effectiveness, effortless in use, reused, and are 100% natural. Further, pellet woods combust quickly and burn instantly for a long time.
Wood chunks originate from 100% pure organic wood, then manufactured properly in miles and sold out at an affordable price. Moreover, wood chunks are ideal to use because they combust rapidly on every kind of grill and smoker. Further, most wood chunks work best when moistened, but some work well when they are kiln-dried.
Wood chips are tiny pieces of wood, and among all types of timber, these woods are suitable for smoking chicken. Because chicken cooks immediately and needs heavy smoke, chips of wood provide heavy smoke and burn instantly. Moreover, wood chips offer complete ignition due to their small size but produce heavy smoke, which instantly cooks foods without burning them.
What’s the difference between hardwood and softwood for smoking?
Hardwood is better because it offers quick but long-lasting burning as compared to softwood. However, you should never use softwood in smoking because of its maximum moisture content; due to its moist nature, it has a risk of getting rotten. It is very high in moisture; that’s why it is prone to pests attacks, so it can not be used again and can’t be stored for the long term. But both these kinds of wood have the same caloric value, which is not a big deal. Besides, soft is reasonable if used as a fuel because it combusts quickly but can not last long but not good for smoking food. Further, hardwoods offer intense smoke while softwood does not.
I conclude that picking the best type of wood for smoking chicken is not a big deal if you have sound knowledge about the wood types, flavors, sizes, and features. For chicken smoking, I can say that hardwood without a mild aroma is perfect. Hardwood is always dry in its nature; that’s why it ignites quickly to eliminate drippings from the chicken after some time. Moreover, make sure the type of size in the best wood for smoking chicken is reasonable for you if you are a first-timer. However, for an experienced smoker, no matter if you are using wood chunks, pellets, and chips, it doesn’t matter.